Stephen Fung

Programming + Photography


About me

My name is Stephen Fung and I am currently a Junior at the University at Buffalo. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and have an interest in technology. I'm currently studying computer science at the University at Buffalo. When I'm not coding, you can find me studying. Want to work together? I'd love to hear from you.

Featured Projects

Lightroom Presets - Intra

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Lightroom Presets - Intra provides trendy presets for Lightroom mobile or Desktop.
Our team of professional photographers are contantly creating new presets to be added weekly.
Intra currently offers 120+ presets and 23+ preset packs: Golden, City, Summer, Fall, Sprint, Winter, Travel, Black & White, Night party, Home, Fashion, Food, Instagram, Portraits, Wedding, Perfection, and Radiant

WEB3NOTI: NFT Launch Calendar

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WEB3NOTI - A bridge between WEB2 & WEB3 reminders, so you never miss a drop again!
NFT based application that allows users to create an interactive watchlist, which will be one hundred percent customizable. WEB3NOTI focuses on the latest and greatest drops of the day, which is only half of the plan as we begin to track hundreds of upcoming projects.
Our team is devoted to mass information sourcing and providing real-time information, so users will no longer miss a drop.

TrackIt: Locate Lost Devices

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An iOS app that allows users to find their lost bluetooth devices. Recived over 40,000 downloads in the first year.
TrackIt helps you find your lost iPhone, iPad, AirPods, Apple Watch, Apple Pencil, Headphones, Speakers, Earbuds and other Bluetooth devices in minutes. We use the Bluetooth signal from your device to help you locate your device with great accuracy.
TrackIt can locate any Bluetooth Low Energy device. Use it to help you or your family find your lost devices with ease.

FairRide IOS

An IOS application inspired by expanding my first application through creating FairRide for another platform. Some improvements compared to the Android version would be faster speed, better UI, and deep links bringing you to the respective ride sharing app with the pickup and drop-off locations set. It compares Uber and Lyft estimated fares, shows time to closest ride, surcharge, fastest route, and contains deep links for quick booking.

PackageTracker IOS

An IOS application inspired by the lack of free package trackers. The most popular package tracker on the App store only allows the user to track 3 concurrent packages without having to pay. With my application, users are able to track unlimited packages from USPS, UPS, FedEx, Lasership, & DHL all in one app.

Atlas Markets IOS

An IOS application to comapre stock and cryptocurrency prices in real time. This application uses Alpha Vantage API, Charts API, JSON parsing,

FairRide Android

An Android app started at PennHacks 2017 with three of my friends. The insperation came from trying to live our frugal college life and saving time simultaneously. Ultimately we decided to create an app that compares Uber and Lyft’s prices to see which one is cheaper since we had to do it every week when we wanted to go grocery shipping. We created FairRide by using Amazon DynamoDB, Google Maps API, and Google Places API

Let's Get In Touch!

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. If you dont get an immediately I might be in the middle of coding but i'll get back to you as soon as possible.

(646) 472-4896